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Key Luxembourg Law

is an independent law firm member of the Luxembourg Bar with innovative legal solutions for an international business hub.
We focus only on some Key areas of law to ensure a dedicated straight forward and business friendly solution. 
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We provide full range of corporate and investment management services. Our experience in these fields allows us to provide specific and tailored legal advice to different aspects of any given project. 

We commit to provide excellence throughout the value chain.

Our continuous dynamic growth enables us to adapt to and master the needs and requirements of a world in evolution.


Our name means that we focus on what we know, the key areas of law that we are dedicated to.

We value individuals while at the same emphasising how they can all come together to form a team. We always aim to strive for the best interests of our clients and aim for an optimal solution in all cases.

Our culture fosters an inherent respect towards each other and third parties.


Our clients are mainly international who look for a global advice and cohesion of the different teams to deliver accurate and bespoke responses to their demands. They appreciate our transparent and detailed pricing as well as our commitment to delivering on time.

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17 rue Edmond Reuter

L-5326 Contern

Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Tél : +352 26 34 38 20

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© 2022 Key Luxembourg Law is an independent law firm - member of the Luxembourg Bar and subject to the deontology of Luxembourg lawyers incorporated as Luxembourg private limited liability company (société à responsabilité limitée - S.à r.l.). All rights reserved.

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